Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

You save up to 95% compared to buying the product.
For more than 11 years we have been supplying equipment to every kind of industrial sites.
Available in more than 59 regions of Russia, in Kazakhstan and other countries.
Prompt calculation and fast delivery to your address.

peristaltic equipment, vacuum valves, pumping systems, etc. NGO EMC NPO EMS are popular in Russia, as they have all relevant characteristics and parameters for smooth operation.

We invite you to rent NPO EMS professional equipment at official prices and delivered to your location:

  • Peristaltic installations Contour , etc .
  • Pumping stations ACCORD , etc .
  • Vacuum valves KF, CF, etc.
  • Vacuum diaphragm pumps cartridge , etc.
  • Valves, distributors isolated, pinched, etc.

We provide:

  • Market rental rates.
  • Extensive, well-maintained equipment range.
  • Flexible payment terms.
  • Opportunity to buy the rented equipment on good terms.

The wide range of NPO EMS makes it easy to select the right pumping, filtering, filling, pumping stations, manual vacuum valves, electromagnetic vacuum valves, vacuum diaphragm valves, vacuum pumps, biocompatible insulated distributors, polymer cartridge pressure regulators, electromagnetic clamping valves, laboratory tripods for installation in a commercial or industrial facility.

Find out the terms and availability at the service center nearest to you in Russia and the EAEU.

All NPO EMS products

pumping, filtering, filling, pumping stations, manual vacuum valves, electromagnetic vacuum valves, vacuum diaphragm valves, vacuum pumps, biocompatible insulated distributors, polymer cartridge pressure regulators, electromagnetic clamping valves, laboratory tripods
  • Peristaltic installations NPO EMS
    Peristaltic installations
    Contour , etc .
  • Pumping stations NPO EMS
    Pumping stations
    ACCORD , etc .
  • Vacuum valves NPO EMS
    Vacuum valves
    KF, CF, etc.
  • Vacuum diaphragm pumps NPO EMS
    Vacuum diaphragm pumps
    cartridge , etc.
  • Valves, distributors NPO EMS
    Valves, distributors
    isolated, pinched, etc.


The EMC Engineering and Production Center (Saint Petersburg) specializes in engineering design and production of equipment for various industries.
  • specialization

    Development and development of technologies that have left the Russian market, as well as the development of own technologies and the manufacture of equipment for their implementation.

    The company produces high-quality products for the needs of the pharmacological, cosmetological, food, and space industries.

    The company employs highly qualified engineers and designers, has its own pilot production with modern equipment.

Information Board NPO EMS

Learn more about our products NPO EMS.
  • Product price list manufacturer NPO EMS
    Product price list
  • catalog on site NPO EMS
  • opros production NPO EMS


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